Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Last Chance Workout!

(This is our whole group ready for the challenge. I'm right in front in the middle sitting next to Antoine.)

Today is that day! Last chance workout day to be exact! That's because ladies tomorrow is weigh in day. Tomorrow marks one week of our Biggest Loser Challenge.

Last week I piled my cuties in the van and headed up to the school for one of the most motivational talks I've ever heard in person. Antoine and Alexandra from The Biggest Loser came and talked with our school to get us all started. They had some great advice about staying motivated and had great in site into getting started. They also spoke about their own stories, what made them change, and how it's been a great learning process for them. Antoine really made it clear that "It's up to you. No one else is going to do it for you." Isn't that true with so many things! And one of the best tips Alexandra gave was "if you're really craving something and are having a hard time giving it up have it right after weigh in (or the next day). That way you get it out of the way and can work it off. And start each week fresh. I love this idea! So we decided as a family that since our weigh in day is Thursday we could have our eat out night be Fridays...pretty convenient if I so say so myself:) Now my plan is to still choose healthy things when we eat out, but I can afford a little splurge:)

So we weighed in. Made a pledge to lose a certain amount of weight. And the kids were given activity sheets to keep up with and earn points for various things...eating vegetables, fruits, 30 min. of activity, giving up video games, no soda...they earn the points while the parents lose the weight. Now I don't have as much to lose as many of the other I do not foresee us winning any major prizes; however, I'm gonna give my all and challenge myself.

My pledge was to lose the last 15 pounds ( the challenge is 10 weeks long and if I stay on track I really think I can do it). I also made a few extra promises to myself. I want to make one new low-fat dish a week that the whole family will enjoy (not just mom) and I want to try one new class or workout routine a week.

This week I did really good. I made a yummy low-fat Waldorf chicken salad on pita bread. It was so good! Oh and I tried some WW sorbet bars. Mmmmm Good! I have a hard time giving up ice cream so this is perfect for me...and they are big too:) I've been eating the skinny cows and WW chocolate (anything) but this is something other than chocolate and it's only 2 points!

And I tried a new class last night. It's called 20/20/'s 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of sculpt, and 20 minutes of abs. I am so comfortable in my Zumba class and I felt a bit out of my element. But I kept up and really enjoyed it. So when the time allows I will keep this one on my list.

I had plans today for a run, but from the looks of my flooded backyard the rain has no plans of letting up. So, I thought maybe I would try the Boot Camp class at the Y tonight. I have to really pump myself up for that because it sounds really intense.


  1. We are getting a lot of rain here too! That is such a great thing about the Biggest Loser. What a great example for the kids. I hope you are having a great day!

  2. What? Antoine and Alexandra were there? Shut up! Antoine is adorable, but I'm a sucker for a hot black guy:)

    Good luck! I know you can do it!

  3. Are they still getting married? They look great!
    You are going to rock this challenge. :)
