Monday, August 31, 2009

This weeks menu...

Around here food seems to be on the minds of many all the time...
First thing in the morning, "What's for breakfast?" A few minutes after breakfast, "Can I have a snack?" The second they come in the door from school, "What's for snack? Have you started dinner? What are we having?". My husband even calls on his way home from work, "What are you making for dinner?".

It's never ending. Which isn't good for a mommy trying to lose the "five" pounds or so that I've held onto from each pregnancy. That adds up to 25 pounds I need to lose. Doesn't sound impossible, but when you're stuck at home all day it's proving a lot more difficult this go around.

Anywhoo...I don't know about you guys but my grocery bill has more than doubled in the last year, and in the last month seems to be going up $50 here and $100 there. I am going crazy with the amount of money we are spending on food and necessities. We may need to go back to Ramen Noodles and soup here pretty soon. Good thing winter is coming. Fresh fruits and veggies won't be available to me to buy a ton of each week so it will be back to frozen and canned which I can find coupons for...though we don't like nearly as much.

Monday - Shrimp Tortellini w/ marinara, salad, and garlic bread

Tuesday - London Broil, zuchini and squash, apple crisp

Wednesday - Turkey Stramboli w/ spinach

Thursday -Grilled Chicken, grean beans, and rice

Friday - Hamburgers/Hot dogs, baked beans, homemade french fries, and fruit salad

Saturday - I'm hoping for a date night so we shall see...

What's on your menu this week?

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