Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Finding the good in a difficult time...

I. Am. So. Tired.

Little Monkey thought 4:00 AM this morning was a good time to wake up...not so good for a mommy who had some sort of stomach issues keeping me up during the night. I let him cry for about 45 minutes on and off. My husband left for work at 4:30 and I decided to get up and put him in bed w/ me. He continues to scream and throw a fit...nothing was working to make him lay down. So after about 5:45 I turned on a little Phineas & Ferb so I could just suck it up and go take my shower. I came out of the shower to find a cute snuggled sleeping baby on my pillow! I wanted to crawl back in the bed and snuggle so bad...but my first day care child arrives at 6:30 and I had to get the rest of my babies up and ready for school. I am looking forward to nap time more than usual today:)

I found a website yesterday (zenhabits.net) and I had already set my alarm to wake early and really enjoy some quiet time before the craziness of the day got started...ha I didn't mean 3 AM! But the good news is I did manage to get 15 minutes of extra time this morning...not excited that I am totally lacking sleep...but I got to have a cup of coffee and get the dishes unloaded and the kids breakfast made before my first little guy arrived. I really want to be a morning person...and have long thought how great it would be to get in a workout before the day started. But I really need to be able to sleep at night to be able to achieve this.

On an extremely good note...the scale was extremely kind this week. 2.5 pounds down! Of course WW told me this was too much...I should only lose 2 pounds for the week...but averaged out since I joined the sight I've lost 5 pounds...which is averaged about 1.2 per week. So I'm very pleased...especially since last week was only a 1/2 a pound. And yesterday I started to workout about 3 times and each time after the warm up just wasn't feeling it. I did drag my cold butt to the gym for Zumba...and I felt so good when I was done!

A few goals I would like to accomplish this week:
Plan and write down each days meals ahead of time...so I am more prepared and can stick to it.
Write down workouts...time and what activities.
SLEEP! Somehow I have to figure out what is going to make this baby sleep. He is 20months now and there is no reason he should be waking everynight. I have got to figure this out so I can have some sanity. With all this you would think I wouldn't get baby fever anymore...but I am a bit crazy and it always crosses my mind:) Sigh...

I am also super proud that I've cut out the Diet Coke except when we go out. I've been drinking lots of tea and lots and lots of water.

I'm excited for a new week...the kids headed back to school today finally and I'm ready to get back on schedule. I would really like the weather to warm up so the little boys could play outside...maybe just maybe it will hit at least 40 today...but I won't hold my breath.

1 comment:

  1. Tell WW to stick it, you are keeping the loss. Congrats!!!!

    I'm trying to cut out Diet DP, and I'm on day one. and I'm dragging. But I'll get it. :)

    How about some liquid antihistamine at night. I do it when my daughter has fitful sleep (which is usually from congestion or something) and it is wonderful!
