...Took me on my birthday date this weekend. I think it's been years since we went to the movies and dinner in the same night all by ourselves. WOW! And the kids all spent the night out too...so we even slept peacefully with no interruptions during the night. No one to tell us they had to go to the bathroom or had a bad dream. And no baby screaming at 3:00 A.M. because his diaper was wet or his teeth hurt. No one needing a 4:00 A.M breathing treatment...It's been years too that I could sleep and not worry at every noise.
But it was bitter sweet at the same time. I really missed tucking them in, reading bedtime stories, and rubbing backs. And breakfast wasn't much fun all by myself as this cute boy could sleep all day. My body's alarm clock woke me up at 5:00...I managed to go back to sleep until 7:00 at least.
Then the phone rang....and my 4 year old was running a temp. of 103.8. Oh crap...wake up back to reality. I finished my coffee and headed out the door as fast as I could. I gave him Motrin as soon as I got him and within an hour it was down to 100. He played lots of Wii today and then took a 5 hour nap...and woke up as happy as could be. The fever never appeared again. Hmmm I'm really hoping it stays that way and maybe we can sleep again tonight.
Anyway, a night out w/o kids just my hot husband and I...wow that was so nice. Best birthday gift ever!
Happy Birthday and I'm super jealous of your trip "away". I have a date night (first in FOREVER) planned for Friday night and I'm so excited!!