Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The time has come -

Well it's here, the week of Christmas. The week the kids and I look forward to all year. This year it seems to have come faster than other years. I mean it seems like we just rang in 2009 and it's already gone. We had a great year! We did so many things and I am imagining 2010 and how exciting it's going to be.

It's also the week I joined Weight Watchers. I was excited to know I get three more points than I remember getting last time I joined after baby #3 and #4. I am also excited about the extra weekly points. I am sure those will be used up on Christmas day...if I can stop taste testing all the goodies beforehand. Today is day 3 on the program. I am starving this morning more than usual. I have already had breakfast, so I am seeing an early snack in the near future. Then I am hoping a run will take my mind off of food for a while.

I have been lacking motivation and finding it very easy to skip my workouts. It seems like having the kids home from school and not working coupled with the never ending shopping list has kept me pretty busy. By the time the cleaning and cooking and ... are all finished I can easily tell myself "I'll do it tomorrow." And well tomorrow comes and before you know it it's been 5 days since I worked out. But yesterday in the middle of the day while the baby napped I had my oldest keep the others and I hit the pavement. I took the dog and did a walk/jog for 3 miles. And then a lot of vigorous floor and baseboard scrubbing.

Today I am going to go before my husband heads out to work...hoping that first this headache will go away. This is the same rut I get myself into every time I try to start thinking about losing the rest of the weight. I'm gung ho for about a week maybe two and then slowly I find myself with lots of excuses and it's hard to get back on the horse again. But not this time...I see it coming and I am determined to see this through. And besides I really like my quite runs all by's the only quite time I get you'd think I'd go for hours:)

Hope every ones week is going well and hoping it slows down a little too!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with WW. I hope your headache is better!!
    If you need ANY WW advice, please e-mail!
    I hope you and those beautiful kids have a WONDERFUL and very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
